
Wow, I woke up to some doozies this morning. Check out the most recent comments by LOLA and Jack Alouet who are, of course, all up in a tizzy about my posts about gentrification. LOLA’s are especially enlightening, especially when LOLA says that Puerto Ricans are the most racist people in NYC.

LOLA also took the time to write to me this morning, grilling me about whether I endorse violence because I approved Tenda’s comment in “innate charm, my ass,” – newsflash, I don’t endorse that sort of violence, as you might have gathered if you read the comment directly below Tenda’s. LOLA also writes that my blog is bordering on racist against white people – yeah, um, no, sorry!

And, the icing on the cake – LOLA is apparently a freelance reporter who was going to write a story about Puerto Ricans are misrepresented in NYC, but after reading my blog, is reconsidering. LOLA even seems to threaten me, writing: “do you think that comment will represent your community in a positive light if it were publicized or made publicly evident for that matter? ” LOLA, I sincerely hope that you reconsider so much that you don’t write that article at all, because I think it would pretty much be guaranteed to suck.

5 Responses to “doozies”

  1. 1 EL

    Oh Jack, don’t you realize you’re supposed to be sucking up to random hostile white folks so that you don’t “misrepresent your community”? Sigh. You Puerto Ricans just don’t get it!!

  2. 2 piny

    LOLA even seems to threaten me, writing: “do you think that comment will represent your community in a positive light if it were publicized or made publicly evident for that matter? ”

    “Don’t you think you should be more careful about giving me more things to quote out of context?”

    What a douche.

  3. 3 brownfemipower

    good lord. i don’t have anything constructive to say at the moment, so i won’t, but maaaan, i keep forgetting that poc aren’t allowed a voice unless it is a friendly loving one. stay strong, you’re rocking hard.

  4. 4 Michael

    Remeber Angry Brown Butch, Malcolm X used to say that the more the White Man complained and cried over what he said, the more he knew he was on the right track. Keep up the fight. The more the little white yuppies (artists, hippsters, grups, metrosexuals, or whatever the hell they want to be called) nitpick and insult you, the more you should know what you’re saying is important. You’d be surprised how many people are happy knowing your website exists to speak for them.

  5. 5 Michael

    Hey Angry Brown Butch, who cares if LOLA tries to misquote you! What’s she gonna do, turn the “urban explorers” AGAINST anti-gentrification stuff? What are the yuppies gonna do when she shows them how evil you are, throw their flip-flops at you? Raise your rent and try to kick you out of the neighborhood? Boy, I hope they don’t ever try that!!! You should tell LOLA where she can stick her article and her preference for happy minorities that never disagree with her.

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